Primary Medicine &
Complex Care
At The Institutes of Multidimensional Medicine PLLC, We practice healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person including all aspects of life. We emphasize the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapies. ​
Offering services to patients in the community while using a financial ability standard to offer services to as many patients as possible.

Integrative Primary Care
Primary Care
Cancer Support
Chronic Pain
Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Digestive Disorders
Chronic Infection
Endo/ exocrine
Medical Cannabis Program​

Infrared Sauna
Far infrared is a section of the natural band of light that is not visible to the human eye, but can be felt as heat. Unlike the high heat produced in traditional saunas, far infrared heat is able to penetrate the body to a depth of 1.5 to 2 inches. This stimulates the body's cellular detoxification process more effectively and at a lower temperature.

Immediate Care
Cold and flu symptoms
Nausea and vomiting
Mild allergies and asthma
Minor burns
Sprains and strains
Cuts with controlled bleeding
Wound Care

Colon Hydrotherapy
The Angel of Water® (Surround) Colon Irrigation System is a very simple, safe, comfortable, and hygienic way to irrigate the colon for endoscopic, radiological, or other medical purposes. The following sequence of events briefly describes the colon irrigation procedure.

I.V. Therapies
Cold & Flu
Therapeutic Injections

Aqua Chi Foot Bath
The Aqua-Chi Foot Bath combines the life-giving properties of water with a specialized bioelectric charge, which enhances and amplifies the body's ability to heal. Dramatically increase energy levels and help detoxify your body with the Aqua Chi foot bath. The negative ions created during a session are similar to those found in hot springs and other naturally charged water sources known to be beneficial to the body.

IV Therapy Washington D.C.
In Office & Mobile

Myers' Cocktail IV Hydration Therapy $350
IV fluid: Administered straight into your bloodstream, the IV fluid will help you stay hydrated, energized and healthy.'
Vitamin B complex: Vitamin B supplements can help improve stress levels, mental health and cognition by aiding your body in converting food into energy.
Vitamin B12: A necessity for metabolism, Vitamin B12 helps your body make nerve and blood cells that fight off fatigue.
Vitamin C: Get a high boost of Vitamin C and enjoy the benefits of its antioxidant properties, including boosting energy, immune system function and healthy skin.
Cold & Flu | Immune $350
IV fluid: This nutrient-filled fluid will help you rehydrate and feel better.
​Vitamin B Complex: B vitamins help your white blood cells increase and your energy levels rise.
Vitamin B12: This ingredient will give you a much-needed energy boost while strengthening your depleted immune system.
Vitamin C: Our Vitamin C boost can help replenish the immune system deficiency caused by your illness and give your immune system a helping hand.
Glutathione: Glutathione is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent as it inhibits the production of most inflammatory molecules called cytokines, helping alleviate your aches and pains.
Zinc: Thought to slow virus replication, zinc can help cut down your cold duration.
Anti-inflammatory, headache, pain & fever medicine: Need something to quickly take care of your aches, fever, headache and/or generalized pain? That is exactly what this anti-inflammatory medicine will do.
"The Hung Over" $350
Replacing fluids and electrolytes to relieving your hydration and nausea after a dehydration.
IV fluid: Drinking alcohol suppresses your body’s antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which normally plays a huge role in reabsorbing fluid back into your body. At the same time, alcohol acts as a diuretic, pulling fluid along with it as it is excreted. Even though alcohol consumption is fun, it can lead to some serious dehydration. Replace these fluids and electrolytes are step one to relieving your misery. The added benefit of doing this with Mobile IV Medics IV hydration is you don’t have to worry about drinking all of that fluid that sounds pretty terrible in your current state of nausea and/or vomiting.
Vitamin B complex: Since alcohol is a diuretic, it leads to the elimination of many nutrients in your body. B vitamins are fluid soluble vitamins and are some of the hardest hit in this process. This may leave you fatigued, with low energy and a foggy mind. Our B complex will get your levels back where they need to be for you to be sharp.
Vitamin B12: Cobalamin (B12) is subject to the same depletion as the rest of the B vitamins. B12 is also difficult for many to absorb when ingested, adding to the benefits of receiving it intravenously (IV). The addition of B12 to your hangover treatment should help you get your mind straight and some energy back.
Glutathione: Together with alcohol dehydrogenase, glutathione is directly responsible for the breakdown of the nasty alcohol byproduct and hangover substance called acetaldehyde. Unfortunately, your body starts to run out of glutathione when you drink too much, slowing the recovery from your hangover. Additionally, glutathione is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that inhibits the production of inflammatory molecules called cytokines. Interestingly, cytokine formation also increases during alcohol consumption. This means the boost of glutathione may not only help decrease the duration of your hangover but also treat your aches, headaches and pain directly.
Anti-nausea and vomiting medicine: Alcohol causes both irritation and inflammation in your stomach and gastrointestinal tract. This leads to the formation of both gastric acid and pancreatic secretions likely leading to nausea and if your unlucky (or consumed too much) some vomiting too. This medicine works directly in the areas of the body to block the transmission of signals in your nervous system that leads to an upset stomach. This medicine is very effective, so your nausea and vomiting should end quickly.
Anti-heartburn and reflux medicine: Alcohol causes irritation in your stomach, leading to the formation of gastric acid. This medicine will help temporarily decrease the amount of acid secreted in your stomach, allowing you to better tolerate the duration of your illness and decrease your nausea.
Anti-inflammatory, headache and pain medicine: Need something to take care of your aches, fever, headache and generalized pain and do so quickly? That is exactly what this anti-inflammatory medication will do by blocking the formation of certain inflammatory substances in the body which are increased after drinking. This is by far the quickest way to get your productivity back and, at the very least, feeling well enough to function.
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